Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Happy Birthday Amanda!

It's my sister Amanda's 27th Birthday today. So please add her to your wishes!  To celebrate, I've got an Amanda top 10 list for you.

10.) She always "borrows" stuff without asking and somehow for the past 27 years she has found a way to prevent me from strangling her. 
9.)  She taught me how to put on make-up.  Usually it's the big sister who teaches the sibling this rite of passing.  Not here folks.  Amanda’s fine, fresh, fierce and has always had a lock on it.
8.)  She can do anything on the computer.  I can't count the number of times she's done a power point or fixed an excel sheet for me when I was in a pinch. 
7.) She can sleep though anything.  And I mean anything.  You can blow a trumpet in her ear and she'll sleep like a baby. 
6.) She knows how to throw a great party. Oh, yes.  My freshman year in college Amanda called proudly to say she was throwing a party while our parents were at the beach.  What she failed to do was to watch the weather report for that weekend.  A  hurricane ran them off the beach and they came home to a house full of over served teenagers.  Good stuff.   
5.) She's got a heart of gold.  Amanda would give you the shirt off her back.
4.)  She's had a Mercedes since she was 18.  I don't know how she pulled this off.  I can remember coming home to celebrate her 18th birthday.  To my astonishment, I see a shiny new CLK in the driveway with Amanda right next to it, grinning from ear to ear.  I could have killed her (and my dad) that day.  And yes my friends, she just got another one...but dad says she's making payments this time.   
3.) She is perhaps the only person that drives worse than I do.  When I ride in the car with her my life is constantly flashing before my eyes.
2.) She's a great Auntie to Bailey.  I can only imagine how wonderful she'll be to her new niece or nephew.
1.) She's free babysitting come November.  Enough said. 

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