Before becoming with child, I would listen to pregnant and mommy friends with interest…for a little bit. And after that, I would glaze over and start thinking about when I could flag down the waiter for my next glass of wine. While I was always happy for my friends and the lifetime of joy they had in-store, there was nothing I could really relate to for very long, and thus became uninterested.
Now that I'm on the boat I've watched this hilarious video over and over. I've come to the conclusion that pregnant woman are pretty damn smug. And I can say that, because of the sheer fact that I am now one of them. So now I want to bring up the smug topic of gender reveal cakes. (I apologize to my friends who like this practice in advance. If you invite me to yours, I'll come and pretend to think it's neat-o-mosquito then down several glasses of sauvignon blanc.)
I don't understand it. Is the whole world really in that much suspense on what you're having? (Side bar---names. If I ask you what you are naming your baby and you refuse to tell me out of fear that I will steal YOUR name, fret not. I really am just trying to be nice---I don't care that much.) Getting back to cakes. Cake is what we eat on a BIRTHDAY people!!! When we found out I was pregnant my husband signed me up for weekly baby updates from Baby Center. Each week I get an email telling me how big my baby (or uterus) is by likening it to a fruit of vegetable. Each week I hope it's a produce that I don't like because I don't particularly like associating my food to fetal analogs. I do like eating cake, but you know what I'm not too keen on eating is? Babies.
This week baby is the size of a turnip. Thankfully I don't like turnips. But, heck I'm not one to cast stones. If you like eating cake and babies---have at it!
Look how many people care!!!! I must confess I'd be in the corner drinking if you made me go to this.
"You know what I'm not too keen on eating? Babies." LOVE IT.